Monday, October 6, 2008

Grandmaster Vinay Bhat!

May I introduce you to Grandmaster Vinay Bhat? After several months of anticipation, the world chess federation FIDE today formally awarded him its highest title. Just 24 years old, Vinay had already earned the required three norms and he improved his rating to 2500 with several successful tournaments in Europe over the summer. As a Grandmaster, he joins 1162 colleagues around the world, including 61 who play under the USA flag.

Vinay grew up in San Jose, cutting his teeth each Thursday night at the Kolty Chess Club in Campbell. His rating rose quickly, already around 1500 by the end of second grade. At the tender age of 10 1/2 years in 1994, Vinay broke the USCF record for youngest master, beating a mark once set by Bobby Fischer decades earlier (and since broken by both Hikaru Nakamura and Nicholas Nip). His rating continued to rise and, at 16, he became an International Master. Vinay took some time off from chess to focus on graduating from Lynbrook High School and the University of California at Berkeley. However, the few occasions that he did play saw him continue to impress, earning GM norms in China (2002) and Spain (2006, 2007). In April 2008, Vinay was awarded the prestigious Samford Fellowship to continue his studies in chess.

Congratulations Vinay on a recognition that is long overdue! To read about Vinay's recent chess adventures and get a feel for his great personality, check out his insightful blog, complete with commentary about games from tournaments in Europe and America.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Next Generation of Chess Masters

He is half the age of 10 year old master Nicholas Nip--and nearly half of his rating too! World U12 Champion Danya Naroditsky would (for once) be considered an "experienced veteran" compared to this young lad. Local GM-elects Vinay Bhat and Josh Friedel, both merely in their young 20s, are even old enough to be his father (maybe I'm pushing it).

Please join me in welcoming Arun Khemani to the local chess scene. At 1047 on the October Top 100 list, he is the only 5 year old in the country with an established USCF rating above 1000. His current rating is even higher than my first USCF rating of 1023 when I was 18 years old. Of course, Arun plays for fun and still has a long way to go to become a serious competitor. So far, however, he appears to be on the right track after scoring 50% in the U1400 section at the CalChess Labor Day tournament. Good luck Arun!